The Paul Lapie centre “Architecture and Education”
The Paul Lapie centre does not separate research from the development of resources nor training from expertise. Its purpose is to promote the circulation of knowledge between research and professional agents (teachers, architects, local authorities, cultural organisations staff, etc.) concerned by the variety of relations between architecture and education (building or renovating school facilities and their uses both as objects and education resources; contents and curricular sensitisation to architecture, development of an architectural culture, etc.).
The partnership with the French ministry for the arts (department of architecture and heritage) and the national federation of Conseils d’Architecture, d’Urbanisme et d’Environnement or CAUE (Architecture, town planning and environment councils) is continued through a resource and competence pool designed to promote the circulation of research findings, capitalisation, training and mutualisation between teachers and CAUE staff in the school environment for students. The seminar (10 one-day sessions), the yearly training day and its ensuing publication will be renewed but this activity is to be gradually opened up to other professionals (cultural mediators, local authorities, etc.), other partner structures (national resource poles) and to teachers. This enlargement is desired by the Ministry for the Arts and Communication that seeks to strengthen the links between local cultural agents and schools to further sensitise students to architecture and heritage.
According to the terms of the three-year (2006-2008) general agreement between INRP and the department for architecture and heritage, the Paul Lapie Centre shall provide expertise to make the education environment and its agents sensitive to architecture and favour its expansion through the creation of a referential in architecture to be included in and adapted to the various courses for different age groups and its subsequent application.