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MEASURABLE POLICY, DISPUTABLE POLITICS: 50 years of relations between policies by numbers, their assessments and the scientific theories drawn upon. (Based on the surveys “Education and professional qualification” in France)

by Florent Bick last modified 2010-11-04 15:39


Laboratory of Quantitative Sociology (CREST-INSEE) and Group of Political and Moral Sociology (EHESS)

MEASURABLE POLICY, DISPUTABLE POLITICS: 50 years of relations between policies by numbers, their assessments and the scientific theories drawn upon. (Based on the surveys “Education and professional qualification” in France)

Surveys on education and professional qualification (FQP) in France have been used for almost a century to provide general descriptions of society, bear critical judgment on its state and fuel debate on public policies, among which education policies. Several major national, European or global issues have emerged from the connection between these policies, the categories and statistical tools used for assessments and the economic or sociological theories drawn upon

The metamorphoses of official measurement and the protests against policies will be investigated with a focus on these issues and their developments.

Education et sociétés
Numéro 21
Former des élites dans un monde incertain
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