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The Obama Education Policy: Beyond No Child Left Behind

by admin last modified 2009-05-19 09:12

Susan Furhman's abstract for the international seminar "What are the strategic challenges behind the implementation of accountability in education policies?"

Susan Fuhrman
Teachers College

This presentation reflects on former President Bush’s No Child Left Behind initiative, its legacy, and how the Obama education policy moves beyond NCLB with a more extensive agenda.  Specifically, the presentation discusses how Obama envisions education as the foundation for the post-boom economy – for the United States to successfully recover, all citizens must be educated to “rigorous college and career-ready” standards, and the country must become number one in the world in high school and college completion.  The recovery and reinvestment acts passed in 2009 have allowed the current administration to uniquely invest large sums towards this sweeping education-for-all vision.  These programs are outlined in the presentation, along with benchmarks for effective reform for the two largest funding initiatives: the Race to the Top incentive fund for raising standards and the Innovation Fund, which focuses on expanding successful programs so they might serve as models for others, thereby creating education incubators.  Lastly, Fuhrman shares not only her insights into how she would like to see the Obama education programs implemented, but also her concerns about executing reforms of this magnitude within such a short timeframe.
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