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Culture commune
socle commun

Quatre séminaires et un colloque international à l'INRP dans le cadre de la recherche « De la culture commune au socle commun ».

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Projet NESSE

L'INRP a remporté l'appel d'offres de la commission européenne intitulé : Réseau européen d'experts en sciences sociales de l'éducation et de la formation (NESSE : European network of experts in the social sciences of education and training).

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Research in education and training from a political sociology perspective

by admin last modified 2012-04-23 16:19

The mixed research unit (UMR) "Éducation & Politiques"


The mixed research unit (UMR thereafter) "Éducation & Politiques" founded in 2003 mainly includes researchers from the university Lumière Lyon 2 and from INRP, the national institute for research in education. It specializes in research in education and training from a political sociology perspective. You will find on this website: the UMR latest news, the presentation of the team and the main research fields, publications, training courses and available resources as well as the schedule of coming events.
Education et sociétés
Numéro 21
Former des élites dans un monde incertain
Coordonné par Yves Dutercq
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Association internationale des sociologues de langue françaiseComité de recherche n °7 Éducation, Formation, Socialisation
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